The past few months have been busy. Busy beyond my expectations. I am just so thankful.
I have loved getting to meet so many new families and their adorable kids and pets. They all have me so excited and inspired for what is to come in 2018.
I'm in the process of updating my website, product offering, and pricing, tailoring everything to fit my vision for this business. To me this is lots of fun. Seriously, I'm a nerd. I know. If you have any feedback for me on the speed of the website, flow, mobile compatibility, etc, I would love to hear it in the comments.
Other than lots of 2018 planning, I am mainly just getting this little family ready for all of our Christmas celebrations. We are looking forward to (and already enjoying) our first Christmas with a toddler.
Here are some of my favorites from part 1 of my Christmas Mini Sessions. We had the most perfect cloudy day at the tree farm!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and holiday season from my family to yours.