There was no lack of love for baby Saanvi. Such a beautiful name to match such a pretty baby! She even gave us several sweet smiles.

Side note - am I the only one who pretends they are real smiles and not gas?

I love their decorating style and it photographed amazingly! From their bedroom, family room, to their loft, I think they got lots of variety in their final gallery. I'm sharing a bunch of my favorites below. As you'll see, big brother was just the sweetest and I loved photographing him too.

I also got to photograph some of their extended family which was a nice change for me!

Do you think I would be overcomplicating it if I encouraged families to invite grandparents over to hop in a few of the pictures?? I just love this!

It was a pleasure meeting this family and getting to photograph this time in their lives! I also got to hold Saanvi for a few minutes and it was magical. I have the best job!